Knock out blackjack basic strategy

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In the Knockout Card Counting (KO Count) system, as explained in the book Knock Out Blackjack, all card values are the same as in the Hi Low system, except for the value of the 7.In this system the seven is considered a low card and thus a plus value unlike the Hi Low system where it is a neutral card.

Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card-Counting System Ever Devised [Olaf Vancura, Ken Fuchs] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Knock-Out card-counting system eliminates the mountain of mental arithmetic necessary to win at blackjack. The scientifically devised unbalanced K-O count can be used profitably anywhere blackjack is played: Las Vegas KO Knockout Blackjack - some clarification with 4 decks ... KO Knockout Blackjack - some clarification with 4 decks. Thread starter bowlofrice; ... The -4 in the six deck game relates to the point at which you depart from basic strategy in order to make that play. This is not the key count. ... It's a hit under basic, it's hard so not a split and at -8 there is still a chance of small cards. Attachments. Knock Out (KO) Card Counting System: How to Use The Knock Out card counting system, an unbalanced yet promising method for blackjack players. This card counting system was first used in 1992 and was known as the All Sevens system. As an unbalanced system, this takes away the need to convert the running count into a true count.

KO Knockout Blackjack Card Counting System

The reKO Blackjack Strategy (99.44% Pure) The KO Strategy is one of the very easiest Blackjack card counting strategies, contained in the book Knock-Out Blackjack--The Easiest Card Counting System Ever Devised by Olaf Vancura and Ken Fuchs. reKO (ridiculously easy KO) is a substantially simplified version. Blackjack Knockout "KO" Card Counting System

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Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Knock-Out Blackjack : The Easiest Card Counting System Ever Devised by Olaf Vancura and Ken Fuchs (1998, Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Ko Blackjack Strategy -

Card counting - Wikipedia

Aug 10, 1997 ... Book review of Knock-Out Blackjack by Olaf VAncura and Ken Fuchs. ... your discussion of basic strategy, your introduction to card counting, ...

Basic Strategy Chart - Gambling With An Edge

The KNOCK OUT System-RAD Strategy (KOBS-K-O Basic Strategy) The KNOCK OUT System-RAD Strategy (KOBS-K-O Basic Strategy) If this is your first visit to the Blackjack Forum , be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You will have to r e g i s t e r (free) before you can post: click the r e g i s t e r link to proceed. Blackjack Book Reviews - Wizard of Odds Basic Blackjack by Stanford Wong. The book is a study of the basic strategy and the its adjustments under a host of different rules. Much of the book is devoted to analysis of short term gimmicks that happened in a limited area years ago. Blackjack Card Counting · KO · Hi-Lo · Shuffle Tracking Methods In the Knockout Card Counting (KO Count) system, as explained in the book Knock Out Blackjack, all card values are the same as in the Hi Low system, except for the value of the 7. In this system, the seven is considered a low card and thus a positive value—unlike the Hi Low system where it is a neutral card. Another variance between the two ... Basic Strategy tips and deviations - Blackjack Forum, the ...